The Car

The Car
Welcome to my blog, detailing my journey to build a 2.0L Zetec based Westfield SEIW

Sunday 22 November 2015

Body continues and water works

Continued with body alignment using the bonnet at the datum - 
Bonnet hinges fitted

and body riveted top (counter sunk) and underside (large head) 

water pipes in place

including Westfield hockey stick, mounted on stand-offs 

connected to radiator top and bottom, bleed pipe capped off

new gear knob via Ebay

Saturday 24 October 2015

Body Work - First Fit and Alignment

So as expected the dimensions given in the manual ensure everything lines up perfectly (LOL). 

After a mere two hours of tweaking I've got something resembling a Westfield! even Theresa popped in for a look (last photo). 

The bonnet is hiding all my hard work on the cooling system so I'll grab some photos for next time as I need to attach (rivet) the sides before the gremlins move the alignments about.



Sunday 11 October 2015

Electrics Continue - ECU and Engine Wiring

Omex ECU on plate under scuttle

 Omex Engine Loom

Radiator fitted

Battery and Tray

Screen Wash Bottle

Sunday 6 September 2015

Slowly moving forward - had a bit of a faff to get the engine / gearbox straight in the tunnel then moved on.

Quaife short gear stick, Wiper motor and wheel boxes, ECU mounting plate and steering wheel (just to see what it looked like.) 

Front fuel lines, fuel regulator and throttle cable. 

Wing stays

Wheel badges.

Saturday 13 June 2015

next (big) steps

Loosely fitted the rear / side body mainly to get it out of the way - still loving the colour:

Then moved on to the engine - first job of the day was to join the engine and gearbox:

Then the exciting bit - up and in!:

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Blue is the colour

Not the clearest of photos taken at the factory when I collected my bodywork.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Engine Build Up Continues

First off new toys ordered from Northampton Motorsport (Omex) 3 working days delivery!

New design Omex throttle bodies

ECU and Engine loom

Alternator and additional belt pully

Brackets from Retro-Ford

Throttle bodies fitted

Engine breather blank

Spigot Bearing

Fuel injectors transferred original from Ford inlet system

Friday 1 May 2015

Engine Build Up Starts

So after collecting a replacement engine from Raceline I can finally start the engine build-up.

 Oil drain

 Remove Inlet Manifold

Remove two-piece sump 1

Remove two-piece sump 2 + oil pick-up

Big Ends Exposed!

Replacement of 4 x Bearing Bolts with new and spacers